Service quality
is our priority!
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Basic activities

• organization and work on conformity assessment in the form of testing and acceptance of the equipment, components, materials and supplies, delivered to a nuclear facility; 
• monitoring processes in the manufacture of products, design, construction, repair and adjustment works 
• development and maintenance of procedures and techniques for the assessment of conformity, as well as suggestions for inclusion in the regulations and technical regulations in the field of quality control of products supplied to nuclear facilities; 
• develop, in cooperation with operators range of equipment, instruments, materials and products that match the effect of normative documents, subject to conformity assessment; 
• control of the design and technological documentation; 
• organize and record keeping, analysis of claims, complaints and non-conformities identified during manufacture of products for nuclear facilities; 
• assessing the readiness of contractors and suppliers of products and services for delivery to a nuclear facility; 
• control the licensing of businesses in the areas of quality control; 
• formation of skill requirements and training records of the conformity assessment, organization of training; 

• control the preparation, knowledge test, certification and admission to all categories of works related to the design, manufacture and quality control of products and services for nuclear facilities; 
• communication with the RTN in the part of the conformity assessment, licensing activities to prevent inconsistencies; 
• participate in the development and implementation of sectoral information system of conformity assessment; 
• development of common procedures and techniques of auditing of quality assurance; 
• audits of quality management systems of organizations which are part of the State Corporation "Rosatom"; 
• participate in the preparation of annual reports on the progress of the work to evaluate production for nuclear facilities.